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BSI is headquartered at the University of Florida. The faculty, staff, and students on our team are uniquely positioned to draw from a combination of academic, government, and industry resources. In turn, our goals include enhancement, maintenance, and dissemination of bridge software to address the increasing demands placed on infrastructure systems. We are dedicated to solving the next generation of large-scale bridge engineering problems through the development of geo-structural software.

Meet the BSI Team

Anand Patil has over 15 years of expertise in infrastructure development, specializing in applying engineering principles to create innovative software solutions. His skills encompass application development, product design, structural analysis, bridge engineering, and soil-structure interaction. He has successfully guided the development of multiple software versions, enhancing functionality, engine development, verification procedures, and user interfaces. He also provides hands-on engineering and technical support to users of all BSI software.

Dr Consolazio has been actively involved in research relating to the design of bridge structures for more than 25 years, and has more than 30 years of experience in software development. His research encompasses advanced numerical analysis of bridges, characterization of loads for use in structural design, development of analytical procedures and software for use in structural design, experimental testing, and development of design recommendations for improving structural safety.

Henry Bollmann has had direct experience with the development and use of FB-MultiPier since its inception in the early 1990s. His more than thirty years of professional experience make him well suited for the position of Senior Engineer at BSI. His duties include prioritizing development of FB-MultiPier features, training engineers in the area of bridge modeling, and providing technical support.

Clint Monari is the lead UI developer for all BSI software. He manages UI personnel and is in charge of maintenance and enhancement of all UI source code, including FB-MultiPier, FB-Deep, and Atlas. A graduate of the University of Florida, he has accumulated more than twenty years of experience in developing BSI software.

Mike Faraone earned his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Florida in 2014, researching geostatistics and reliability-based design for deep foundations. Currently, Mike serves as the Head of Geotechnical Engineering at the Bridge Software Institute at the University of Florida, driving advancements in geotechnical software and research. He has accumulated over 4 years of software development experience at the Bridge Software Institute.

Wilmer Carrion has had over four years of development experience with BSI software. Having obtained both a Master's in Structural Engineering and a Minor in Computer Science from the University of Florida, he is responsible for developing and maintaining internal engine verification software and implementing modern DevOps practices. Wilmer also contributes to engine development, UI validation, and provides technical support for end-users.

Spencer Rosenfeld holds an M.S. in Physics from the University of Florida and has been an integral part of our team since 2018.  With over a decade of experience in software development and a strong foundation in Physics, he plays a pivotal role in the development of our flagship product, FB-MultiPier. Spencer's expertise is particularly notable in areas such as the DirectX graphics engine, Report Generator,  FB-MultiPier engine and its associated verification software. Additionally, his expertise also extends to maintaining and enhancement of critical components of GeoStat.

Cary Peterson provides lead support for licensing and distribution of BSI software. Additionally, he serves as the point of contact for license holders, and provides first-line technical support for all engineers making use of BSI software. Cary has acquired more than twenty years of experience at BSI.